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March 03, 2011


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Miami lasik surgery

Works like a man card but with the curly ribbon works like a girl card :P, anyway you can say is a unisex card :)). Now I'm creating some cards using the spring team, i can't wait to finish them.

Christina M

What a fun birthday card! I love the pom pom trim and curly ribbon, and you balanced these tough colors perfectly. So glad you found us at the ColourQ, and I hope you'll join us again!

Sandra  Farrell

Wow - fabulous work. Cool idea with the ribbon, thanks for sharing and thanks for joining us at CQC this week.


Very cool---thanks for the tip about the ribbons! Thanks for playing with us at the CQC this week!

Noelle McAdams

I never knew how to make the ribbon curly like that, though I bought some hairbows like that for my niece, thanks for the tip! I love your card, very fun and it will make a GREAT guy card, thanks for playing with us at colourQ, I hope you will be back! :)

Sylvia Nelson

What a super cute card, Merry! Thanks for playing the ColourQ challenge with us this week.

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